say it ain't so.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

i'm freaking out. can it really be october already? i still haven't accepted the fact that its september so it can't already be october!

right now irv's in the process of moving into a new place. he hates moving, but i think he'll like his new place once he's all settled. i haven't had the time to snap a photo of his new place so....

i have a confession to make.. i'm extremely embarrassed of my drawing skills (or lack there of). the above is no exception to please don't laugh, or at least don't tell me you were laughing. i'm trying to accept my lack of talent and run with it!

happy october to you! i'm hoping this month won't disappear as quickly as the last..


Matthew said...


Mmm-hmm, cute.

That's it.

Ay, there's the rub.

Michelle said...

I love it!! =)


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